
With a unified voice on the job, we can improve our working conditions by addressing issues like safety, wages, and overtime without sacrificing the important services Nevadans need.
AFSCME members secured the largest wage increases during the 2023 legislative session due to our work at the bargaining table and advocacy at the legislature.
Workers at Nevada DMV, Welfare, and other state agencies file for an election to name AFSCME as exclusive representative
Members in the four certified bargaining units certified as AFSCME Local 4041 overwhelmingly voted yes to ratify their very first contract with the state of Nevada. Read below for contract highlights.
Every morning, hardworking state employees at Nevada’s DMV log-in to a start-up screen that posts announcements such as birthdays, reminders, and other office information.
The Assembly Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees are scheduled to discuss the PEBP budget on Tuesday April 6, 2021 at 8am. This is an important opportunity for AFSCME members to continue vocalizing our opposition to cuts to our health care and push the legislature to restore funding for our insurance plans. It is up to us, the workers, to push the state to do the right thing and not cut out health care. With a strong, united voice we can fight back on these cuts and make the changes we deserve. Read below on what to say, how to watch the hearing, and how to register to give remarks.
CARSON CITY, NV – Today, the State of Nevada and the American Federation of State County Municipal Employees Local 4041 announced that they have reached a tentative collective bargaining agreement that includes both economic and non-economic provisions and covers four of the 11 bargaining units established for state employees.
The proposed changes to the Public Employees Benefit Program puts state workers in a position to pay more out-of-pocket for our health care needs. While premiums will stay relatively flat, or in some cases lower, the real damage is in the details – the plans in this proposal cut our health care coverage, slash our Basic Life Insurance, and eliminate Long Term Disability Insurance.
AFSCME EMS Workers United paramedics join the General Strike Radio podcast to talk about organizing workers at REMSA, antiunion tactics used by management, and the power of worker solidarity.
“I’ve been talking to my co-workers, many who I don’t normally talk to throughout the workday, because if we want to see improvements in our workplace, we need a contract. The only way us workers in the welfare offices will have a contract is if our co-workers join us as AFSCME members. I’m surprised by how easy it is to have these conversations, because so many people really do want to see changes,” said Jolene Porter, an administrative assistant at Welfare Support Services
Maali DeLeon, daughter of AFSCME Local 4041 members Daphne and Andre DeLeon, was named a winner of the 2020 AFSCME Family Scholarship. Maali graduated from Bishop Manogue High School in Reno, where she was an AP Scholar, on the Honor Roll and varsity Track and Field. She is now a freshman at the University of Nevada, Reno, majoring in Biochemistry.