
With a unified voice on the job, we can improve our working conditions by addressing issues like safety, wages, and overtime without sacrificing the important services Nevadans need.
AFSCME members secured the largest wage increases during the 2023 legislative session due to our work at the bargaining table and advocacy at the legislature.
Workers at Nevada DMV, Welfare, and other state agencies file for an election to name AFSCME as exclusive representative

LAS VEGAS - Harry Schiffman, an electrician at UNLV and President of AFSCME Local 4041 released the following statement today:  

“As the union for Nevada state employees, members of AFSCME Local 4041 are advocating for the safety of all state workers during this critical state of emergency around COVID-19. The duties of many state employees are considered essential, and workers continue to report to state facilities to provide the public with state services. However, in some agencies, the state of Nevada has failed in prioritizing the safety of its employees.  

Even through a global pandemic Nevadans must continue through their daily lives, including those working towards rebuilding their families. As a mental health counselor, Cameron Hopkins is on the front lines of continuing essential state services as state offices close to limit the spread of COVID-19. Cameron helps parents create structures to improve their home lives and take care of their children. He provides training for parents who have recently reunified with their children to create a safe and stable home for their families.
Along with the challenges to our health care system, COVID-19 has brought great challenges to the financial security of many Nevada families. In implementing ‘stay home’ policies to curb the spread of this virus, non-essential businesses in Nevada, which includes the hospitality, entertainment and convention industries, are on a 30-day hiatus, meaning hundreds of thousands of Nevadans are out of work for the foreseeable future. Just in the first week of this 30-day non-essential business closure, over 93,000 Nevadans have applied for unemployment insurance. This is where state employees at the unemployment insurance offices of the Department of Education and Training Rehabilitation are stepping up to help our communities.
UPDATE: On May 29, Nevada will begin phase 2 of a state directed, county implemented re-opening plan. Please reference the document linked below on what businesses will reopen under this plan.

Governor Sisolak has issues the attached directives for Nevada state employees regarding paid administrative leave. Please continue to check with your department or agencies on individual workplace guidance. 

New developments have emerged with how the state of Nevada is dealing with the spread of COVID-19, or coronavirus. Last night, Governor Sisolak gave updates for state employees and issued an emergency resolution to expand paid administrative leave for state employees. Governor Sisolak also directed state department directors to plan for closures of state offices, wind down in-person public services and move to online or phone services as soon as possible.
Today, the Labor, Maintenance and Custodial unit just became the next unit to receive certification as AFSCME for exclusive representation!
On Saturday February 22, Nevadans will have their say on who will occupy the White House for the next four years. Our union has not yet endorsed a candidate and we strongly encourage all members to participate in the Presidential selection process of their preferred political party. Read below for more information on the 2020 presidential caucus and nomination selection process.