
With a unified voice on the job, we can improve our working conditions by addressing issues like safety, wages, and overtime without sacrificing the important services Nevadans need.
AFSCME members secured the largest wage increases during the 2023 legislative session due to our work at the bargaining table and advocacy at the legislature.
Workers at Nevada DMV, Welfare, and other state agencies file for an election to name AFSCME as exclusive representative

LAS VEGAS – Veronica Davis-Brown explained how having a voice on the job would allow her to share her expertise of many years on the job as a correctional officer and better serve the prison community.

Agueda Sanchez outlined why making staff-led changes in the workplace would allow state workers to provide better services to Nevada’s youth.

Elizabeth Crumrine spoke about how staff need a way to advocate for much-needed resources to better serve rural families. 

After years of AFSCME organizing, Gov. Steve Sisolak signed into law a historic bill granting 20,000 state workers the right to collectively bargain. The bill, which he signed June 12, is the largest expansion of collective bargaining rights for state workers anywhere in the U.S. in 16 years. 

Nevada public service workers today lauded the passage of Senate Bill 135, a historic leap forward for 20,000 Silver State workers who have been at the forefront of the effort to gain a seat at the table. The bill now goes to the desk of Governor Steve Sisolak and will become law upon his signature. Until now, state employees were the only public service workers in Nevada who had been denied the freedom to collectively bargain. 

As Public Service Recognition Week came to an end on Friday, Local 4041 members held dual press conferences in Carson City and Sparks to support Senate Bill 135, a bill that would provide collective bargaining rights to state employees. State employees spoke about how collective bargaining rights will allow them to have a voice on the job to improve state services.

I’m Ken Edmonds, a member of AFSCME Local 4041, and a Developmental Support Tech for the State of Nevada. I support SB135.  

My name is Valerie Osborn, I’m a Family Services Specialist for the state of Nevada and a member of AFSCME Local 4041. My job is to help families get back on their feet after hitting hard times. Even with our state on track post-recession, there are still many families struggling and I’m proud to be part of the team that keeps our state together.

My name is Victor Avena, and I am a Carpenter for the state of Nevada.  I support SB135 because state employees deserve fairness and respect.