
With a unified voice on the job, we can improve our working conditions by addressing issues like safety, wages, and overtime without sacrificing the important services Nevadans need.
AFSCME members secured the largest wage increases during the 2023 legislative session due to our work at the bargaining table and advocacy at the legislature.
Workers at Nevada DMV, Welfare, and other state agencies file for an election to name AFSCME as exclusive representative

Nevada state employees are one step closer to the bargaining table as the Government Employee-Management Relations Board of the State of Nevada voted unanimously to certify the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 4041 as the exclusive representative for three bargaining units.

Last week, AFSCME Local 4041 members were victorious in opposing an overtime rule change that would greatly affect many state workers across Nevada.

Health care workers across Nevada are coming together in solidarity to make changes in our workplaces. The Professional Health Care unit is proud to continue the momentum in becoming the third unit to file for collective bargaining recognition as AFSCME Local 4041.

On Friday Oct 25th, Nevada Day was observed across the Battle Born State. Observed annually on the last Friday of October, Nevada Day celebrates Nevada statehood. On Saturday Oct 26th, AFSCME members participated in the annual Nevada Day parade in Carson City. On a cold, but sunny Saturday, AFSCME members and their families excitedly greeted parade-goers down Carson St.

This week, over 70 AFSCME activist from across Nevada met in Las Vegas to sharpen their their union building skills at Local 4041’s Leadership Conference.

For years the work we do has increasingly become more dangerous. Not because of the clients we serve, but because changes in workplace policies put our safety at risk. This year we are ready to push back, and with our new collective bargaining rights, we have a way to do just that.

In 2018, workers at UCAN, a social service agency in Illinois, organized and fought for union recognition as AFSCME. Read below about why workers fought for their union rights to improve their working conditions and lives. 

On September 2, AFSCME members from across the state came together for the annual Virginia City Labor Day Parade. After marching down the streets of one of Nevada’s oldest cities, workers from various unions and their families enjoyed a BBQ picnic. This annual parade celebrates Nevada’s rich union history and the contributions working people make to the Silver State.