
With a unified voice on the job, we can improve our working conditions by addressing issues like safety, wages, and overtime without sacrificing the important services Nevadans need.
AFSCME members secured the largest wage increases during the 2023 legislative session due to our work at the bargaining table and advocacy at the legislature.
Workers at Nevada DMV, Welfare, and other state agencies file for an election to name AFSCME as exclusive representative

In Tuesday’s Las Vegas Sun, UNLV Law Professor Ruben Garcia shares how collective bargaining for state employees is a benefit to all Nevadans. Recently, anti-union opponents have attempted to shame state employees for wanting the right to negotiate collectively on issues like staffing, pay and workplace safety issues.

After many years of organizing, members of AFSCME Local 4041 have had a breakthrough in their campaign to win collective bargaining rights for Nevada’s state employees – the only workers in the state who do not have the right to negotiate over workplace safety and conditions, salary and benefits.

Today, Harry Schiffman, President of AFSCME Local 4041, released the following statement after State Senator David Parks introduced SB135, a bill to provide collective bargaining to state employees:  

When the snow comes in, Nevada Highway Maintenance Workers have been ready for days. Keeping the state moving smoothly during inclement weather is a source of pride for Highway Maintenance Workers, especially in the winter months in northern Nevada. “It’s all hands on deck and we make it a priority,” says Maurice S., a Highway Maintenance Worker in Reno, NV.

February 4th kicks off the 80th Nevada Legislative Session and this session could bring life-changing collective bargaining legislation for all Nevada state employees.

With a pro-worker Governor and Legislature, we will most definitely see legislation introduced that will bring collective bargaining to Nevada state employees. But the difference between that legislation passing and failing will be the voices of state employees like you.

On January 16th, our new Governor Steve Sisolak gave his first State of the State address, laying out his vision for Nevada’s future.  In his remarks, he shared his appreciation for the

AFSCME Local 4041 leaders across Nevada came together this weekend in Las Vegas to chart a course to secure collective bargaining rights - the power to negotiate wages, benefits and conditions of employment with our employer. Acquiring these collective bargaining rights will give us greater ability to advocate for our communities, our families, and our jobs.